Meg Escobar

Meg Escobar

(She, Her, Hers)

Birth Doula | Postpartum Doula | Loss and Choice Support


Meg is a DC area native from Arlington and is happily raising 3 children, with her spouse, in her hometown. After giving birth to her children she became acutely aware of the overwhelming need for postpartum support for families. She left the office world 9 years ago, after the birth of her first and became a preschool teacher. She is a firm believer in the benefits of early childhood education. Feeling a very strong call to train as a postpartum doula she completed a DONA approved Postpartum and Breastfeeding course in 2021. She is a DONA trained Birth Doula. In 2023 Meg certified as a loss and choice doula for clients choosing termination and abortion.

She enjoys traveling to new places and meeting new people. Languages and linguistics are her passion and she loves learning new words and phrases. 

Meg is bilingual in English and Spanish. 

Fun Facts:

Meg loves dancing and believes listening to music is a form of therapy. She’s loves living room yoga with her kids and a sunny day on her porch with a good book. You’ll often find Meg hosting friends and family and feeding anyone she can find. 

What To Expect:

Confidence and calm, humor and creative problem solving.


Kimera Broadie


Annie Seaman