Best Bodyfeeding Essentials and Accessories
While it is very possible to have a successful bodyfeeding relationship with your baby without any accessories at all, these items can really help to enhance your experience and make it more comfortable for you and baby.
Kindred Bravely Organic Washable Breast Pads (8 Pack)
Leaky chests are just part of the deal when you bodyfeed (or even when you don’t and you are trying to dry up your supply) having comfortable, safe pads on hand is a must. We love these kindred organic pads because they are washable, comfortable, and absorbent. They are made from bamboo which is even more absorbent than cotton and they are hypoallergenic to boot! This 8 pack also comes with a lovely carrying bag making it easy to keep them clean and on hand and they also make a great gift.
Feeding breasts and chests hardly ever get a break especially in baby’s first year. But they deserve a moment of selfcare just as much as any other part of your hard working body! These breast masks from Frida are a mini spa session for your chest. They come in three different styles for your specific needs:
“For Hydration” helps nourish + soothe worn-out boobs with aloe vera, cucumber, honey + tea tree oil
“For Lactation” supports milk production during a dry spell with fenugreek + fennel
“For Engorgement” helps slow the flow when weaning or overproducing with cabbage, jasmine + sage
Having a good quality pump is essential for families that want to exclusively pump or build a supply for a mix of bottle and bodyfeeding. It isn’t necessarily a must have for those who wish to exclusively bodyfeed but can still come in handy for milk production, clogged ducts, and emergency on hand milk for bottle feedings. Here is a link to a website that will help you find out a great quality pump that is covered by your insurance so you can learn more about your options before ordering one. Most insurance companies fully cover your breast pump, so even if you're planning on exclusively bodyfeeding, it still doesn’t hurt to have one on hand.
Whenever we reach out and ask our clients what their must have bodyfeeding accessory is, it’s almost always the Haakaa pump. This really awesome pump requires no additional parts, no power, it just works on suction. Just place it over your nipple to get a good suction and once milk starts flowing it does the work for you. Using this while you nurse with your other side helps collect the overflow of milk coming off your unused side and makes sure none of your milk goes to waste!
It’s very important to make sure you are filling your body with the proper nutrients to help your milk production and energy levels. We love Majka for lactation bites, boosters, and powders. They have their original bites and chocolate flavor as well plus they are always coming out with fun limited flavors.
We know this seems pretty obvious, but there are actually plenty of people who struggle to get enough water intake for the day. And bodyfeeding parents need all the water they can get to help with their milk production. We are linking you to an article that lists some pretty cool high tech water bottles that remind you when you need to drink more water. Some of them light up, sound alarms, or even connect to apps. If those sound too complex for you, any simple large bottle will do the trick, just remember to drink!
Feeding pillows are definitely not required for a successful or even comfortable bodyfeeding relationship but they can sure help! Of course you can use a normal pillow or whatever you have around the house but a lot of people find the custom shape of feeding pillows to be helpful. Here is a link to a Baby List article on the top rated nursing pillows for 2021. The list helps you narrow down the best pillow for you whether it be for versatility, style, organic, or even the best pillow for feeding twins.
You can imagine that having a little one attached to your chest all hours of the day and night can cause some havoc to your nipples. This nipple cream from Earth Mama Organics is a wonderful choice for babies and parents. It is vegan and cruelty free made with all the available organic ingredients they could find. Plus it’s Non-GMO Project Verified. So there’s no need to wash it off before nursing!
One of the worst pains you can have in your bodyfeeding journey is a clogged duct that can also lead to mastitis if left untreated. This Organic Sunflower Lecithin from Legendairy Milk can help to relieve a clogged duct or it can be taken regularly to help with daily maintenance. Organic Sunflower Lecithin is a natural fat emulsifier that can help to reduce the "stickiness" of the milk and deter fats from clumping together. It may also loosen existing fatty clogs and improve milk flow.
If there is only one thing you take away from this list, professional lactation support should be it! Lactation support is recommended for all new families if breastfeeding is a part of your feeding plan. At Doulas of Capitol Hill we provide both a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) and a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to help manage any issue that can occur. Our lactation specialists will come to your home for an initial assessment to get the chance to know you, listen to your birth story, and help you establish a feeding plan that promotes growth for your infant as well as your milk supply. The goal of our specialists is to help you find a feeding balance that works for your family; this may or may not include breastfeeding/chest feeding, pumping, or formula feeding. The help you receive can be done in as little as 1-2 appointments, or as package that provides more long term support. Click here to learn more and set up your appointment today!